Year in Review
Justin Gallagher
November 27th, 2006
As some of you who have been with us since the beginning (or anyone who has read the about page) may remember, this site first started out as a gallery for Tully and me to display our photos. Soon afterwards, we launched the blog portion of the site, which began as a weekly effort. Tully and I would post a set of images, usually six, every Sunday. After changing to daily updates, our plan was to post five or six images a week with Tully and I alternating days. Since launching the original OpticDistraction Photoblog, one year, 352 images, and 658 comments have come and gone, making today its one-year anniversary!
I certainly feel that I have learned a lot over this last year, and improved as a photographer as well. I’m positive that I would not have made any of this progress without the inspiration and motivation that has come from all of you - our visitors, and commentors. Thank you to all of you! I’d also like to thank Tully. I know that I wouldn’t have posted as many images, learned as much, or had as much fun without his help, ideas, and motivation. Thanks man!
To start off year two on the right foot, we’re also launching a redesigned Photoblog today. The idea behind the redesign was to put the focus on the images, titles, and descriptions, while also adding a bit more style…hopefully. We’ve also added a restructured archive that should allow more intuitive browsing through some of our older images. Any feedback on the redesign is welcome, including letting us know if anything isn’t working how you think it should be.
Thanks again everyone! I look forward to seeing what the next year has in store.
Congratulations to you as well, Justin. Without your design and motivation (and hooking me up with a good price for a camera), none of this would have happened. Many thanks to you, man.
Congrats on a year you guys, I have loved looking forward to a new picture every day and I’m excited about another year of it. You continually impress me with your style and ability - not to mention impressing all the people who see my computer, as there are rotating opticdistraction images as the background. Thanks for so many great pics and the music as well, and I can’t wait to see what’s up tomorrow.
p.s. great picture too justin, i love the person in the distance with the light-halo around their head.