Bridge to the City
Justin Gallagher
May 23rd, 2006
Shot from Riverside Drive, this is the West Side Highway heading downtown. I know it get knocked on, but I’m really liking the kit lens at small apertures these days.
wow, the exposure is so even. Nice shot. must be HDR.
duuuuuuuuude. very nice.
dont know how you make it, but its surreal and rad
Nice….the final image is inspiring compared to the converted untouched jpg. Good job man. Love the light.
well, it may not be HDR, but you did a great job with the processing.
Great processing on this image. I love how people think it’s HDR!
Suresh, Jeremy, thanks for the comment. This actually isn’t an HDR image. I used a Shadow/Highlight adjustment and some other adjustment layers with masks to get the even exposure. Here is the original jpeg after conversion from RAW.
Simply Superb!. Is it HDR?