Up in the Air
Tully Rohrer
March 10th, 2007
Today is my sister Jamie Lynn (”Lynley”)’s birthday. Please wish her a happy birthday in the comments because the love and adoration of strangers is the all any of us really want in life…
My sister is a senior at the University of Vermont, so she’s got a great deal on her plate this year with graduation and the plans after that. She is my only sibling and I love her very much… happy birthday dear sister! You are the best sister ever!
As for the photo, it appears I’m in the mood for abstracts… any guesses what it is?
Song of the Day: Radical Face - Wrapped in Piano Strings
A side project of Ben Cooper (also of Electric President), Radical Face is more acoustic experimentation than anything else. The percussion at the end of this song reminds me a lot of Annuals, one of my favorite bands of late.
happy birthday jamie!
Happy birthday Jamie.
I’m guessing is some kind of frabic/flag swaying in the air. (?) Nice shot
Happy, happy, Birthday, birthday, Jamie and Gracie !!
Happy Days to Jamie and Grace!
Happy Birthday, Jamie Lynn! Best of luck with your final quarter at University of Vermont.
I think the object is a kelp blade backlit by the sun.
Happy Birthday Jamie! Coincidentally, it is also my sister Grace’s birthday. Did we ever realize that before? Happy Birthday Grace too!
Happy Birthday Jamie…