Exploding Skyline
Justin Gallagher
March 9th, 2007
Another lens baby shot. This time, of the familiar view out my apartment window. Although fun to play with, at this point, I can’t tell whether I find the extreme distortion and blur from the lens baby cool, or sorta cliché. What do people think?
Really cool lens baby shot ! It’s a fav for me !
It’s not cliched as you mention. I love this. It’s like a great film noir still.
Hey, J - hope NYC is treaing you right.
The image, particularly the flecks of light on the left and bottom, gives me a sense of motion. Seems a bit lost on architecture but could be cool on a subject that would take better to movement.
Seems that the effect could also create a sense of tension between the center and periphery. Fun for human subjects?
I say keep playing!