Infinity Spirals Out Into Creation
Tully Rohrer
April 6th, 2006
Am I the only person who loves flying? I really think there’s nothing more peaceful than listening to great music and watching the clouds pass below while on a plane. Instead of complaining about leg room and crappy food, just look out the window and enjoy the view. In a lot of cases, I think it’s worth the airfare itself, as it was this day when I was flying into Los Angeles. I’m not normally a big fan of cloud photos, but this one captures so much about the peace of mind that flying provides me that I had to share it with you.
This was exactly what I needed after only getting 3 hours of sleep. So peaceful and calming. Thanks!
Oh yeah, the joy of flying. If a sight like this doesn’t get you hooked, I don’t know what will.
No, you are not the only one who enjoys flying. I flew over the Austrian Alps last week and was treated to a beautiful view. Sadly, the windows were so dirty and scratched that it was impossible to take a picture. This is a beautiful and peaceful picture.
Neverending Story? Did this photograph come from that movie?