Eucalyptus Moonrise
Tully Rohrer
February 13th, 2006
I took this just last night as the moon rose over our front yard. I’ve been struggling to get good night shots here, mostly because the LA city lights drown out some of the stars and there’s always lights on around Toyon Bay. However, last night provided the perfect balance for exposing the buildings in addition to the moon and lights. Pretty nice view from the front lawn, eh?
very cool, one of your best, i think. calm and clean.
Tulls this is flawless. My favorite part is all of the bulbs and the way they mirror the moon, or the moon mirrors them. it juxtaposes really well with the darknesses. The number of levels of grey is really something. The framing of the moon borders on cheesy but I really just think it doesn’t even matter because it wouldn’t work as well without the moon right there to oppose the lights. And I really love how the walkway leads your eyes down to the water, which leads your eyes up to the moon. Lovely.
Perfection! This is such a wonderful photograph… speechless.
I was recently just on the island and I cant believe you managed to capture that shot from the dorms,your pictures are wonderful. I knew there was more to you than brains.
You have a great photoblog ! All the pictures are wonderfull . Great job, continue like this .