Stairs for Staring
Tully Rohrer
January 19th, 2009
This was a test. I was playing with desaturation and I wanted to see what it looked like on the site. So I posted it a year in advance so I could look at it online and figure out whether I liked it or not. Well, a year passed without making a decision, and the image popped up all on its own. Oh well. What do you think?
HA, i found this too. the future is cool…flying robots, EVERYWHERE
i was here yesterday trying to comment on it when i saw the description was just ”this is a test..” i was thinking.. hmm.. but then it all went awry, my connection got cut or something like that.. anyways, it actually looks pretty good.. it’s really very nice.. :)
a test of what? i just went on OD and was clicking the random button and this photo came up. i didn’t recognize it, but i recognized the stairs from another image. what happens on 1-19-2009? or is it a test for the subject in the photo to either approve or disapprove of the use of the photo? i’m sure i wasn’t supposed to see this, but i did. so now you have to fess up. see you in a couple of months.