Seemingly Strong
Justin Gallagher
December 11th, 2006
This image fits with a theme that I find myself subconsciously coming back to repeatedly. That at first glance, people, and manmade structures, and objects seem to completely dominate New York. But, if you look closely, nature is always present too.
To me, this image is interesting because of the contrast between the straight, parallel, light grey lines of the building and the wandering, black lines of the branches. I also like the way the steel beams give the building a sense of strength. However, the branches could be seen as cracks through the building. Signifying, to me, that even the sturdiest structures will someday be brought down by nature.
Or maybe I’m just reading too much into a crooked image of a building with some branches in the foreground.
Nice interrpretation of an image. I also like the strong reflection of sunlight on one of the beams.