Lightning Strike
Justin Gallagher
July 5th, 2006
We had a storm the other day and I took around 60 shots trying to capture the lightning. This was the only one that came out. It looks pretty fake, but it’s the real thing. Lightning striking a building in midtown. Despite the storm, it was still fairly bright out, so my method was to use a really small aperture so that the exposure time would be fairly long. Then, I used auto exposure bracketing at + and - 1/3 of a stop so that the camera would take 3 consecutive shots each time I pressed the shutter. Anyone have any good tips for shooting lightning?
Decisive moment!
that’s just awesome
I just noticed you can see the faint little ”feeler” bolts leading off of the main bolt of lightning. That’s really cool. The fact that this image only garnered 3 comments (and now mine) is a crime. Nice capture, Justin!
Great capture. Lighting is hard enough to capture during the night, and you did it during the day! Good job.