Either Way You Turn,
I'll Be There Climbing Up the Walls
Tully Rohrer
August 5th, 2006
The Twin Cities’ newest artificial climbing wall… This is on the Greenway, a bike path through the city. It’s actually just a random wall on the underside of an overpass, and it’s kind of freaky with the faces all over the place. I recognized some of them - Reagan, Angelou and others, and some I didn’t. The colors were outrageous, though, so I really like this image.
I love this - just this wallpaper image with you climbing up it. the colors and how they go from one to another reminded me a lot of this photo - http://opticdistraction.com/photoblog/index.php?d=2005-12-22.
I like how the rocks on the wall go from a rusty orange to an aqua color. That’s creepy how they put the faces on the wall.